Sunday, June 19, 2011

There's an App For That

I am having so much fun playing the WSOP poker app on my smart phone. The opponents are computer controlled wackjobs, but it's fun! It's so much fun, in fact, that it hasn't bothered me that I haven't played much real poker online in a while.

I do need to get back in it, though. I'm going to be on vacation soon, so maybe I can get some games in then.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bankroll Fixins

Unexpectedly, Full Tilt ended up paying out the Take 2 bonus in full into my account! They also ended up converting my $T (tournament credits) into cash. After all of this, my BR at Full Tilt is currently $361.22. Now I have to make some changes to my spreadsheet.

I've made some decisions on how to account for all of these changes. First off, I'm counting the Take 2 payouts as profit, similar to rake payments and such. After all, I did spend that time in order to earn the Take 2 bonus; the profit from the bonus was factored in to my decision to play. I have also decided to siphon off a tiny amount while balancing everything - $11.22 to be exact, which will leave me with $350 even.

Now here's the complicated part - I only have $100 in my Cake account at the moment, due to the fact that my funds at Full Tilt are still "inaccessible." I also didn't have the cash to put all of my money into Cake at once. To be honest, I'm not sure I want to... not sure if the money will ever make it out of Full Tilt, and if Full Tilt frees itself up to US players I will certainly be going back. Anyways...

In order to account for my activity on Cake already, I will pull $100 off of the (theoretical) Full Tilt bankroll to "pay myself back" for the loan I took to start the Cake account. That will leave me $250 to deposit into Cake, which will bring my bankroll to $347.97.

Make sense?

Basically, it's going to look like I made $50 profit out of nowhere. And I kinda did with the Take 2 bonus, but it won't show up on my True Player Profit. That's why I make the two sections on my spreadsheet - to see how much profit I've made, and to see how much profit I've made by playing only.

I know, I know.... tl;dr. But I just needed to get this all out, so I wouldn't be accused of doctoring the books.

Okay then! On with our lives, shall we? :)

EDIT: After all of that, I realized that I built the spreadsheet in order to keep my "misc profits" out of my regular profits. So the above post was mostly pointless, except to explain why my BR jumped from ~$300 to ~$350. I'm still using my total BR for game limit selection. So there.

Saturday, June 4, 2011


The Cake Poker cash games are annoying to me. After playing cash in Rush Poker on Full Tilt for so long, everything seems slow in comparison. However, CP's games seem to run even slower than a normal ring game at Tilt. Maybe it's my netbook not possessing the processing speed or whatever, but playing during my meal breaks at work is irritating me a little bit.

Last night, I spent my meal break playing at two 4nl cash tables. I found myself getting bored and making plays I wouldn't normally make just for the sake of having something to do. I ended up -1/4 BI... no big deal, but obviously a product of my boredom.

To make sure I keep the fun in poker, I will most likely allow myself to get into some play money games while at work. I will save the real money games for when I have time at home to play. I'll be sticking with the SNGs (which hold my attention much better than the slow cash games), or maybe the cash games will run better on my home computer. Either way, I'm trying to cut down on my restlessness and have some fun!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More Different Than I Thought

The tournaments at Cake are going to take some getting used to. First of all, not all types of tournaments are available at all buyins. The regular speed SnG's are available at $1 and $4 buyins, but everything in between are turbos or bounty tournamnets. I tried a $2.50 turbo SnG, but I really don't like the turbo setting. The blinds go up fast and antes kick in quick; I only got to play 2 or 3 hands before I was in shove-or-fold mode. I would prefer to play a super-turbo and be in that mode from the beginning!

I think I will stick to the smaller buyin regular tournaments for now, as well as cash games (I can't imagine how the cash games will be much different than Full Tilt's). My BR will grow slower, but I'm more interested in being comfortable and having fun than "making money." I'm not a professional, after all. Mixing in some MTT's will give me a chance to make some BR jumps as well. Those 30-man SnG's look interesting...

Monday, May 23, 2011

Small Adjustments

Cake Poker will take some getting used to. Not only is the look different, but some of the game features are slightly changed. 5nl is actually 4nl there (I adjusted my "playing at" limits to reflect this), and the SnG's have different amounts of players (single tables have 10 players as opposed to 9, small MTT SnG's have 30 instead of 45).

These are small changes - I should be able to adjust to them quickly. I still think that Full Tilt is much better, and I would probably go back there in a second if FT should open up to US players again.

I still haven't started playing yet, but I plan on playing either tonight or tomorrow.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Not Quite a Piece of Cake

Well, I tried my hardest to sign up at Carbon Poker, but the website was having issues. So, instead, I signed up at another Merge skin site - RPM Poker. Got my new account, everything finally works, I go to make my deposit and get my rakeback account...

Sorry, Merge gaming cannot accept deposits from residents in your state.


It was hard enough finding a site to accept money from U.S. players, now I have to worry about specific states?

So that idea went out the window, and I wandered over to Cake Poker. Cake accepted my deposit and my rakeback account is set up, so I guess Cake will be my temporary home until Full Tilt gets back in business for U.S. players. I'm looking to get started playing again soon... I miss it!!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Deadline 5/31

Well, looks like my decision has been made for me, in a way. I've been toying around with playing at Carbon Poker, and I like the way the site plays. I'm comfortable with the interface, and - although it's still not as nice as Full Tilt - I can definitely get used to it over time. So I think I'm going to move my money there and play at Carbon Poker for the time being (until Full Tilt gets its stuff straightened out).


If I want to get rakeback at Carbon Poker - which, of course, I do - I need to make a deposit NOW. Carbon Poker is no longer offering rakeback to new player deposits after May 31, probably due to the influx of U.S. players flocking to the site. So the plan is to withdraw my funds from Full Tilt, hope that it gets into my bank account in time, and deposit it at Carbon. Even if it doesn't ge from Full Tilt to my bank in time, I have a big enough cushion to "loan" myself the money until the withdraw gets processed.

I just hope I can make the deposit. I've heard people having issues with depositing, but other people have had no problems. I guess I will find out soon enough!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Silver Lining

Well, the good news is that Full Tilt says that my money is safe, and I can withdraw it anytime I want to. The question is whether or not I want to. If I take it out and U.S. players are allowed back to the real money tables, will it be a hassle to get the money back in? I think, since I've never been really hurting to have my hands on that money, that I will leave the money in my account just in case something happens.

Speaking of my bankroll... after getting my funds back from my most recent BAP, my BR is now big enough to jump up to the $3 MTTs (if I were allowed to play them, of course). BAP investments are easily the most profitable portion of my poker game - check out my spreadsheet. It's absurd! I'll have to check if I can send money transfers. If I can, perhaps investing in BAPs will keep my BR growing even during this hiatus.

I am grateful for one thing: I had enough time to grind my NL cash stats back into the green before the whole thing went down.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

King of the Home Game (almost)

I went down to Long Island to visit my family this past weekend, and I got some time to hang out with my buddies as well. Just like we always do, we got together for a card game. I was very excited, especially since I'd won the last two that I'd played in with them and they wanted to up the buy-in from $5 to $10. The seven of us made up a $70 pot, $50/$20 split to the top two. Nice chunk of change.

Naturally, I start out card dead for almost the first two trips around the table. I don't think I got a card higher than a nice during the first orbit. I didn't even play a hand until after the blinds went up after the first 20 minutes! I was itching to play, though, because my friends were playing limp-happy. I seriously could not believe that I used to be intimidated when playing with these guys. I used to get nervous raising QQ preflop and actually playing a hand, and now I can't catch cards fast enough!

I can always count on my friends to make a wrong assumption about my playing style. After folding a crap hand from the SB after three of my friends had limped, my friend Tom says, "I know you, you're not going to play a hand unless you've got something really premium!" Lo and behold, the very next hand I'm on the button and it folds around to me. I'm know I'm raising before I even see my cards, but I at least have to put on a show. So I check my cards and I see 7h4d. I raise to 3xBB, both blinds fold, and I win the pot uncontested. Tom then says, "See? They believe you when you raise because you only do it with your big cards."

"Hey, I gotta try to get some sort of value with my big hands, right?" I answer.

They have me pegged.

Later on, I completed from the SB with 9d5d, hit a straight on the river, and got a decent payoff because (of course) nobody expects me to be playing baby cards.

My friends are so easily manipulated.

We play with hyper-accelerating blinds; for some reason, they prefer to double the blinds every level instead of taking steps in between. So 50/100 turns into 100/200, then 200/400, then the big jump to 400/800.... pretty soon the blinds are 1k/3k and effective stacks are miniscule. I'm okay with this, because I have a pretty good shove/fold game, but my friend still want to "see a flop." Although it's easy to take their money when I catch cards, it's not so easy to push them out of a hand with a shove if I don't. So I still gotta play carefully.

I end up getting heads up with my friend Andrew, who had been getting lucky very frequently lately - he doubled up twice through Tom when he was chip leader, first catching runner-runner for a straight flush and second going all in K8>KT with an 8 on the flop. He's got me covered, but not by much. I've probably got about 13BB's left. I get Ad8c as the dealer/SB, so I raise it to 2.3BBs (I probably should have just shoved outright, but we can discuss that in the comments). Andrew calls, and the flop comes out 8d7h4h. I think for a moment - top pair is strong heads up, but it's a weak top pair. Andrew is aggressive, but not often trappy - I think he pushes me all in pre with 99+. The flop is drawy, so I don't want him chasing. I put the rest of my stack in, and Andrew confidently calls.

"Crap," I say to myself, "he's got a freakin' overpair." But no... Andrew flips over 9d6d and proclaims, "I've got a straight and a flush draw!" Not quite a flush draw (maybe backdoor, but I doubt that's what he meant). So now he's looking for his OESD, calling for a 5 or a 10...

(The thing I find hilarious about this is that he nearly misreads his hand, and then he still completely misses the fact that a nine also gets him the lead)

...a ten drops on the turn, and I'm drawing dead.

I pocket my twenty dollars, give Andrew a "good game" handshake, and catch a ride home with Tom (who can't stop whining about his two bad beats).

I, on the other hand, am very pleased with how I played. I somehow fought through a mess of rags, tiptoed my way through the high-blind bubble period, and cashed in 2nd all without getting a hand better than pocket tens. Aside from shoving pre, I think I played as best as I could have. And I can't wait to play against them next time!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bad Beat

Online poker took a big hit today as the US gov't seized the big poker sites (Full Tilt, Poker Stars, Absolute) and charged them with illegal gambling indictments. Unfortunately, this happened just when I was starting to get good!

Not a big deal. I'm more upset that I can't get to the Full Tilt forums than anything. I will probably migrate to 2+2 until this all gets settled. I can also play at PartyPoker for play money, but I doubt I will be able to deposit there. Also, the issue of my $300+ dollars at Full Tilt is in limbo. Kinda sucks, but it was never officially my money anyways, so that's not a big loss.

Just kinda sucks that something I truly enjoyed is now gone because some people had do get greedy and do some shady deals.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

AA vs. KK - Win One, Lose One

I did it the right way. ;)

Full Tilt Poker $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players -
The Hand History Converter

UTG+1: $15.16
UTG+2: $1.80
MP1: $12.49
Hero (MP2): $5.00
CO: $7.10
BTN: $4.01
SB: $2.49
BB: $3.31
UTG: $3.30

Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is MP2 with Ah Ac
2 folds, UTG+2 raises to $0.17, 1 fold, Hero raises to $0.45, 4 folds, UTG+2 raises to $1.80 all in, Hero calls $1.35

Flop: ($3.67) Kh 5s 7s (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: ($3.67) 5h (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($3.67) 7d (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $3.67
UTG+2 shows Ks Kc (a full house, Kings full of Sevens)
Hero shows Ah Ac (two pair, Aces and Sevens)
UTG+2 wins $3.43
(Rake: $0.24)


Full Tilt Poker $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players -
The Hand History Converter

BB: $4.27
UTG: $5.19
Hero (UTG+1): $5.15
UTG+2: $24.99
MP1: $10.54
MP2: $5.49
CO: $4.67
BTN: $2.00
SB: $2.44

Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is UTG+1 with Ac As
1 fold, Hero raises to $0.17, UTG+2 raises to $0.51, 6 folds, Hero raises to $5.15 all in, UTG+2 calls $4.64

Flop: ($10.37) 9s 3d 9d (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: ($10.37) 2d (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($10.37) 6c (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $10.37
Hero shows Ac As (two pair, Aces and Nines)
UTG+2 shows Kd Kc (two pair, Kings and Nines)
Hero wins $9.68
(Rake: $0.69)

I tell ya... if the river was a diamond on that last one, I might have smashed my mouse!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Roller coaster type of session tonight. Spent a lot of the time getting rags, and only steal the blinds when I managed to get a nice hand. Got the chance to 3-bet AK twice - whiffed the board the first time, got 4-bet the second and hand to fold (I am going to post that one on the Full Tilt board, but I think it's a good play).

Then, I finally got AK to work for me:

Full Tilt Poker $0.02/$0.05 No Limit Hold'em - 9 players -
The Hand History Converter

MP1: $15.80
MP2: $3.18
CO: $3.11
BTN: $2.24
Hero (SB): $5.12
BB: $3.47
UTG: $3.85
UTG+1: $6.00
UTG+2: $3.20

Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is SB with Ks Ad
7 folds, Hero raises to $0.18, BB raises to $3.47 all in, Hero calls $3.29

Flop: ($6.94) 7s Js Ah (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: ($6.94) 2d (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($6.94) 4h (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $6.94
Hero shows Ks Ad (a pair of Aces)
BB shows Tc Th (a pair of Tens)
Hero wins $6.48
(Rake: $0.46)

I ended up just barely negative for the night, which is nice considering how it started.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Turnabout Is Fair Play

Good session tonight. I seemed like an ace magnet tonight, and caught some kings as well. I've taken to the philosophy of not trying to stack off, and instead getting value from my hands where I can. Naturally, I got some people to stack off against me with aces, but most people either folded on the flop or turn. But still, I ended up winning some decent pots for it. Working my way back to even slowly, but not too concerned about my bottom line, to be honest. Once the payment comes in for the Take 2, I'll be rolling in dough!

This hand was a fav of mine tonight. Remember when I complained about losing a hand thanks to my opponent hitting the case king against me? Well, I can do one better...

Runner runner kings FTW!
UTG+1: $4.54
UTG+2: $1.12
MP1: $1.84
MP2: $8.94
CO: $3.75
Hero (BTN): $6.13
SB: $6.06
BB: $11.19
UTG: $14.61

Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is BTN with Ac Kh
6 folds, Hero raises to $0.17, SB calls $0.15, 1 fold

Flop: ($0.39) Th Jd Ah (2 players)
SB checks, Hero bets $0.28, SB calls $0.28

Turn: ($0.95) Ks (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks

River: ($0.95) Kd (2 players)
SB bets $0.40, Hero raises to $1.45, SB calls $1.05

Final Pot: $3.85
Hero shows Ac Kh (a full house, Kings full of Aces)
SB mucks Qc Kc
Hero wins $3.60
(Rake: $0.25)

Don't slowplay your monsters kids.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Feeling Snakebit

The Take 2 promo is back, so I jumped back into 5nl cash. I'm playing well, but getting my butt kicked in brutal fashion with hands like the following:

SB: $3.83
BB: $15.24
UTG: $5.00
UTG+1: $1.62
UTG+2: $1.48
Hero (MP1): $5.26
MP2: $9.90
CO: $5.00
BTN: $6.74

Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is MP1 with Ac Ad
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to $0.10, 1 fold, Hero raises to $0.42, 5 folds, UTG+1 calls $0.32

Flop: ($0.91) 5h 2s 9h (2 players)
UTG+1 checks, Hero bets $1.20, UTG+1 calls $1.20 all in

Turn: ($3.31) Kh (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($3.31) Ts (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $3.31
UTG+1 shows Th Td (three of a kind, Tens)
Hero shows Ac Ad (a pair of Aces)
UTG+1 wins $3.09
(Rake: $0.22)

UTG+2: $1.13
MP1: $5.18
MP2: $2.28
Hero (CO): $6.65
BTN: $1.51
SB: $6.17
BB: $2.26
UTG: $5.90
UTG+1: $19.77

Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is CO with 7c 7s
UTG raises to $0.15, 2 folds, MP1 calls $0.15, 1 fold, Hero calls $0.15, 3 folds

Flop: ($0.52) 7d Jc 2s (3 players)
UTG checks, MP1 bets $0.40, Hero calls $0.40, UTG folds

Turn: ($1.32) 8h (2 players)
MP1 checks, Hero bets $0.72, MP1 calls $0.72

River: ($2.76) Th (2 players)
MP1 bets $2.76, Hero calls $2.76

Final Pot: $8.28
MP1 shows 9c 9d (a straight, Jack high)
Hero mucks 7c 7s
MP1 wins $7.73
(Rake: $0.55)

UTG: $4.20
Hero (UTG+1): $5.00
UTG+2: $3.39
MP1: $14.72
MP2: $6.83
CO: $5.47
BTN: $2.55
SB: $2.37
BB: $3.08

Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is UTG+1 with 9s Js
1 fold, Hero calls $0.05, 2 folds, MP2 calls $0.05, 3 folds, BB checks

Flop: ($0.17) 9c Td Ts (3 players)
BB checks, Hero checks, MP2 bets $0.10, BB folds, Hero calls $0.10

Turn: ($0.37) 4c (2 players)
Hero checks, MP2 checks

River: ($0.37) 2s (2 players)
Hero checks, MP2 bets $0.20, Hero calls $0.20

Final Pot: $0.77
Hero mucks 9s Js
MP2 shows 2d 2h (a full house, Twos full of Tens)
MP2 wins $0.72
(Rake: $0.05)

CO: $5.00
BTN: $5.07
SB: $5.52
BB: $5.25
UTG: $5.02
UTG+1: $5.35
UTG+2: $5.26
MP1: $5.84
Hero (MP2): $5.70

Pre Flop: ($0.07) Hero is MP2 with Kc Ad
UTG raises to $0.15, 3 folds, Hero calls $0.15, 4 folds

Flop: ($0.37) As 4d 2h (2 players)
UTG bets $0.20, Hero calls $0.20

Turn: ($0.77) Kh (2 players)
UTG checks, Hero checks

River: ($0.77) 8s (2 players)
UTG bets $0.40, Hero raises to $1.01, UTG raises to $4.67 all in, Hero calls $3.66

Final Pot: $10.11
UTG shows Ks Kd (three of a kind, Kings)
Hero mucks Kc Ad
UTG wins $9.44
(Rake: $0.67)

For the record, that's a two two-outers, a six-outer, and a one-outer hitting on the turn. All combined, a total of over $21 worth of pots.

This is what it's like to be me.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Still Here

Just letting everyone know that I haven't disappeared. I'm just taking a few months off to get some personal life stuff straightened out. I hope to be back soon. Until then, you can still find me at the Full Tilt Poker forums!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Digging Too Deep?

A very interesting thread has developed on the Full Tilt Poker forums here. I love ICM topics because it involves interesting math concepts (which plays right into my nerd wheelhouse), and the correct answer isn't always as intuitive as it seems. Some of the responders are supporting a call while others have supported a shove. After running the math, I'm solidly in the fold camp.

This is not the point of my post, though. Something in the thread really irked me. After I posted my ICM data and analysis, alew22 posted the following:
"think this is being looked into too deeply. I don't think there's many spots, if any, where i'm going to fold AKs in a 45man.....especially right at the bubble.
Snap call and feel really to win, right?"

Is there such a thing as looking too deep if you haven't found the answer yet? Perhaps theories of the Earth being round were too deep... after all, the ground looks flat right?

I can't understand the thought process of someone who wants to stop thinking about a problem just because they've found the answer they like, as opposed to pressing on and finding the correct answer.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The MTT Mindset

Out of curiosity, I ran a search on myself at, just to see what type of results I'm getting in these 45s so far (if I were keeping results it wouldn't be necessary...*sigh*). Anyways, I found out some good news... I'm doing pretty well.

I've played in 14 of them, winning two and cashing in two others. My profit from the 45s alone is almost $39 - a whopping 153% ROI!!!

Granted, it's a small sample and I have been running amazingly hot lately (there is absolutely no way I can sustain this type of ROI in the long run), but on the flip side I have taken some tough knockouts. I feel it kinda evens itself out.

Checking out these results helped me learn something. I've only cashed in a small percentage, and yet I'm still wildly profitable so far. I started thinking about the math in these. If I were to only win 1 out of ten and not cash in any others, I would still squeak out a profit. Interesting, huh? That really highlights the importance of playing to win and not to min-cash.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Will My Spreadsheet Hold Together?

I've tried to tweak my spreadsheet to include just about everything I can think of involving my poker account, which includes BAP investments. I think I have it set up where I can track my playing profits and my BAP profits, both combined and seperate. It is very complicated though, and I'm sure I'll encounter some bugs along the way. It may even be a lot more work than the information is worth.

I'm waiting for one of my investments to return before starting my record keeping, although I just bought into another BAP this afternoon. This will give me a chance to test my BAP-tracking equations.

I hope it all works the way I want it to!

"Lucky Nerd"

Yup, that's me. Or at least I was called that after this particular hand, on the bubble of a $1 45-man:

Full Tilt Poker $1 + $0.10 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t200/t400 Blinds - 7 players -
The Hand History Converter

UTG+1: t27290 68.22 BBs
MP: t8040 20.10 BBs
CO: t16550 41.38 BBs
BTN: t3780 9.45 BBs
Hero (SB): t3295 8.24 BBs
BB: t3830 9.57 BBs
UTG: t4715 11.79 BBs

Pre Flop: (t600) Hero is SB with 9d 9s
1 fold, UTG+1 raises to t800, 3 folds, Hero raises to t3295 all in, 1 fold, UTG+1 calls t2495

Flop: (t6990) 6h 4h 5h (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t6990) 9h (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t6990) 5s (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t6990
UTG+1 shows Jc Jd (two pair, Jacks and Fives)
Hero shows 9d 9s (a full house, Nines full of Fives)
Hero wins t6990

I got the last laugh, though. Here is me making a bubble boy out of the name caller:

Full Tilt Poker $1 + $0.10 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t300/t600 Blinds - 7 players -
The Hand History Converter

MP: t22535 37.56 BBs
CO: t3760 6.27 BBs
BTN: t21995 36.66 BBs
SB: t3660 6.10 BBs
Hero (BB): t5640 9.40 BBs
UTG: t3030 5.05 BBs
UTG+1: t6880 11.47 BBs

Pre Flop: (t900) Hero is BB with Ks As
UTG raises to t3030 all in, 5 folds, Hero calls t2430

Flop: (t6360) Ac Kd 5d (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t6360) 6h (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t6360) Kh (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t6360
Hero shows Ks As (a full house, Kings full of Aces)
UTG shows Qd Qs (two pair, Kings and Queens)
Hero wins t6360

Although, I am still inclined to believe he is correct, considering what happened once I got heads up in this one:

Full Tilt Poker $1 + $0.10 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1000/t2000 Blinds - 2 players -
The Hand History Converter

BB: t17900 8.95 BBs
Hero (BTN/SB): t49600 24.80 BBs

Pre Flop: (t3000) Hero is BTN/SB with 3h 9c
Hero raises to t49600 all in, BB calls t15900 all in

Flop: (t35800) 4h 2c 3d (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t35800) 6s (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t35800) 3c (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t35800
BB shows Td Ts (two pair, Tens and Threes)
Hero shows 3h 9c (three of a kind, Threes)
Hero wins t35800

Hey, if anyone deserves to get lucky like this, it's me!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Breaking Even

I've been playing a mix of things lately, mostly 45-mans and some sattys thrown in. I'm really starting to like the 45s. They are half the cost of the 9-man SNGs and they don't take as much run-good luck as the 90-man tourneys. The payout is nice for winning, and it doesn't seem to terribly hard to cash in it.

The past few weeks I've been able to run pretty much even, despite the fact that I've been catching some tough hits. I even got past the bubble in a 45-man in fairly decent place (3/6), but I also only had about 12BB left so I needed some luck... and of course didn't get it. Got crippled when I shoved A8 into BB's AK, then QJo < QTs when my opponent flushed out.

The rest of my BAP investments will be coming back soon, so I will be starting the spreadsheet soon. I think I can keep my new outlook going and worry about the fun more than the funds, and still keep records at the same time.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hero Call FTW!!!

Busted out of the $1 45-man, but the $2 9-man I played turned out pretty well. I was clinging on at the bubble in 4th place, and caught a big double up when my A9o flopped an ace against 77, then another player shoved into my pocket aces. I got heads up, and it didn't last very long. Here's the final hand:

Full Tilt Poker $2 + $0.25 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t150/t300 Blinds - 2 players -
The Hand History Converter

Hero (BB): t9750 32.50 BBs
BTN/SB: t3750 12.50 BBs

Pre Flop: (t450) Hero is BB with 3c 4d
BTN/SB calls t150, Hero checks

Flop: (t600) Kh 3s Ah (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB checks

Turn: (t600) Qd (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB checks

River: (t600) 8d (2 players)
Hero checks, BTN/SB bets t3450 all in, Hero calls t3450

Final Pot: t7500
Hero shows 3c 4d (a pair of Threes)
BTN/SB shows 4h 7d (Ace King high)
Hero wins t7500

I don't know what possessed me to call there. I just felt something... he wouldn't be shoving if he wanted value. He'd be betting smaller so I could call. He had nothing. I felt it. In the past, I would fold and move on because I didn't want to look stupid calling with a pair of threes, just in case he turns over two pair or something. But now that's I've stopped caring about looking stupid, I'm following my instincts.

And it's paying off!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


After spending about half my dinner break playing Badugi and seeing more pairs and suited cards that I could ever remember seeing, I decided I needed a change of pace and moved to 2NL. Unfortunately, my luck followed me there:

UTG+1: $1.80
Hero (MP): $2.00
CO: $1.76
BTN: $1.37
SB: $1.48
BB: $0.30
UTG: $2.74

Pre Flop: ($0.03) Hero is MP with Ah Qc
2 folds, Hero raises to $0.07, 2 folds, SB calls $0.06, 1 fold

Flop: ($0.16) Qs 5d 4c (2 players)
SB bets $0.10, Hero calls $0.10

Turn: ($0.36) Kc (2 players)
SB bets $0.12, Hero calls $0.12

River: ($0.60) 7d (2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks

Final Pot: $0.60
Hero shows Ah Qc (a pair of Queens)
SB shows Ac Qd (a pair of Queens)
SB wins $0.28
Hero wins $0.28
(Rake: $0.04)

CO: $0.92
Hero (BTN): $2.47
SB: $1.77
BB: $1.40
UTG: $1.50
UTG+1: $0.30
MP: $2.76

Pre Flop: ($0.03) Hero is BTN with Kd Kh
2 folds, MP calls $0.02, CO raises to $0.06, Hero raises to $0.25, 3 folds, CO calls $0.19

Flop: ($0.55) 6d 7d Qh (2 players)
CO bets $0.67 all in, Hero calls $0.67

Turn: ($1.89) 6s (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: ($1.89) Ah (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: $1.89
CO shows Qs As (two pair, Aces and Queens)
Hero shows Kd Kh (two pair, Kings and Sixes)
CO wins $1.77
(Rake: $0.12)

Can you tell how pissed I was?

So, instead of continuing to play - insisting I'm not tilting, but silently fuming - I took a trip to Play Money Rush and simply shoved my entire 5k stack of play chips in every hand. I lost a few and I won a few, but most importantly I had a good time acting like a wacko. I'm still trying to remember it's all about the fun. It's hard to keep perspective when the only good hands you catch get sucked out on. Things like today's exercise help keep my mood light.

This weekend is my midnight shift weekend, so going by my rules I won't be playing any this weekend starting tomorrow night. But tonight is not off limits; I'm thinking of trying a few 9-man SNGs and possibly another 45-er. Wish me luck!

Monday, January 17, 2011

So, Um, Yeah....

I guess that worked.

Using my new "have fun" approach, I played in a couple of $1 45 man MTTs tonight. I played pretty well in both of them, busting out in one in 14th place. But the other one...

Full Tilt Poker $1 + $0.10 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t1200/t2400 Blinds - 2 players -
The Hand History Converter

Hero (BB): t48592 20.25 BBs
BTN/SB: t18908 7.88 BBs

Pre Flop: (t3600) Hero is BB with 8d Ks
BTN/SB raises to t18908 all in, Hero calls t16508

Flop: (t37816) 2d 9c As (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t37816) 2h (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t37816) Kd (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t37816
Hero shows 8d Ks (two pair, Kings and Twos)
BTN/SB shows 9d Qc (two pair, Nines and Twos)
Hero wins t37816

Took it down for $17.10!!!

I know.... it's one tourney, and to think this is going to happen all the time because of my new approach is extremely results oriented, but here's the thing: I'm having fun. I had fun during the tournament, I played very well in my opinion, and I had a great time to show for it... along with a profit of just over $16.


Ok, now it's time for bed!!!

Sunday, January 16, 2011


(WARNING: possible tl;dr ahead... sorry, but I have a lot to say!)

If you've been following my last few posts over the past few weeks, you know that my BR has taken some hits lately. It's been hard to avoid getting frustrated and keep a level head. I'm tired of staring these losses in the face, wondering when I'll be able to climb out of this hole. Then I realized...

I'm tilted.

It's not so bad that I'm losing money just because I don't care. But I'm playing differently, trying to avoid losing instead of trying to win. I gotta get my head back on straight. So, I've laid out a "Re-establish" plan:

Step 1: Re-establish a BR. This may sound like cheating, but once I get all of my funds back from the BAPs I've invested in, I'm going to scrap my current results and start over. I know, it sounds like cheating - why keep records if you don't count your losses? But trust me, I was focusing on too much negativity earlier. Now, I've revamped my spreadsheet to focus more on my BR than profits. I've worked hard to get my BR where it is, and that's worth something. My profits may be negative, but as long as my BR is above zero, I have something to show for my efforts.

Step 2: Re-establish a proper mindset. This involves me making a major change to my game. I am very strong in various poker aspects (math, strategy, reads, etc.), but I have come to realize a major weakness - I fear looking stupid. Lately, I've found myself shying away from taking risks that have a good chance of working out because I don't want my opponents to think I'm a terrible player. Who cares what they think? I'm a good player and I know it. I need to have more confidence in my talent and not be afraid of taking risks that may expose myself to criticism. In that vein of thought, I will now be posting my current BR and my stats spreadsheet on this blog (in the theme of full disclosure).

Step 3: Re-establish the fun. It is real money I'm playing with, but the truth is this - it ws never really mine to begin with! I can't dread playing because I don't want to lose; I need to love playing because it's exciting and fun! (and cool to win, as well!) With this in mind, I have made the following decision: if I cannot enjoy myself while keeping records, I'm just going to stop and play at my own discretion. I know, I know - any serious poker player needs to keep records. But let's be honest... what are the odds that I will become a serious professional poker player? Very slim. So, I'd rather enjoy myself while playing instead of forcing myself to be "serious."

Believe it or not, I'm actually excited about my new outlook and my new plan! Even if I end up not being all that great of a poker player - or even profitable, at least - I'm going to make sure I have fun. This is a hobby, after all!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Still Roughing It...

Now it's on to Badugi, where I've been having some success over the past month-ish or so at the 5c/10c level. My BR rules allow me to play at the 10c/20c games, and today there happened to be a game running. After watching the players for a little while - and finding almost no difference in skill level - I jumped in and started to play.

As is the custom lately, I got very little to play (now is the time I get dealt all of the QQKK and AKAQ sets). I did get involved in a hand with this one guy who really had NO IDEA how to play Badugi. In a previous hand, he called a bet after standing pat on the final draw, and showed four spades. So, this happens:

Full Tilt Poker $0.10/$0.20 Limit Badugi - 6 players -
The Hand History Converter

Pre Draw: (1.5 SB) Hero is BB with Qd Jd 4c 3h
UTG calls, MP folds, CO folds, BTN calls, SB calls, Hero checks

First Draw: (4 SB) (4 players)
SB stands pat, Hero draws 2, UTG draws 1, BTN draws 3
Hand: Ad Ks 4c 3h
SB bets, Hero calls, UTG calls, BTN calls

Second Draw: (4 BB) (4 players)
SB stands pat, Hero stands pat, UTG draws 1, BTN draws 2
Hand: Ad Ks 4c 3h
SB checks, Hero checks, UTG checks, BTN checks

Third Draw: (4 BB) (4 players)
SB draws 2, Hero stands pat, UTG draws 1, BTN draws 1
Hand: Ad Ks 4c 3h
SB bets, Hero calls, UTG folds, BTN folds

Final Pot: 6 BB
SB shows As 9c 8h 5d (a Badugi: 9, 8, 5, A)
Hero mucks Ad Ks 4c 3h
SB wins 5.7 BB
(Rake: $0.06)

Yup, that's him betting into me after I've made Badugi (a weak one, yes, that's why I didn't raise). He then needs to draw TWO cards on the final draw to hit his Badugi, and nails it. When you play against me, you really don't have to be all that good because the luck takes over, I guess.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Give Me a Break

Back on the SNG horse today. More of the same crap...

Full Tilt Poker $2 + $0.25 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t15/t30 Blinds - 9 players -
The Hand History Converter

UTG: t1485 49.50 BBs
UTG+1: t1455 48.50 BBs
UTG+2: t1455 48.50 BBs
MP1: t2040 68 BBs
MP2: t795 26.50 BBs
CO: t1455 48.50 BBs
BTN: t1845 61.50 BBs
Hero (SB): t1470 49 BBs
BB: t1500 50 BBs

Pre Flop: (t45) Hero is SB with Kc Ac
UTG calls t30, UTG+1 calls t30, 2 folds, MP2 raises to t200, 2 folds, Hero raises to t1470 all in, 3 folds, MP2 calls t595 all in

Flop: (t1680) 4d 9h 2h (2 players - 2 are all in)

Turn: (t1680) 7s (2 players - 2 are all in)

River: (t1680) Qd (2 players - 2 are all in)

Final Pot: t1680
MP2 shows Qh Jh (a pair of Queens)
Hero shows Kc Ac (Ace King high)
MP2 wins t1680

Full Tilt Poker $2 + $0.25 No Limit Hold'em Tournament - t50/t100 Blinds - 7 players -
The Hand History Converter

SB: t1340 13.40 BBs
BB: t535 5.35 BBs
UTG: t2750 27.50 BBs
UTG+1: t1000 10 BBs
MP: t5575 55.75 BBs
Hero (CO): t720 7.20 BBs
BTN: t1580 15.80 BBs

Pre Flop: (t150) Hero is CO with 8s Ac
2 folds, MP calls t100, Hero raises to t720 all in, 3 folds, MP calls t620

Flop: (t1590) 6h 9c 5d (2 players - 1 is all in)

Turn: (t1590) 8d (2 players - 1 is all in)

River: (t1590) Td (2 players - 1 is all in)

Final Pot: t1590
MP shows Tc 8c (two pair, Tens and Eights)
Hero shows 8s Ac (a pair of Eights)
MP wins t1590

Sunday, January 9, 2011

On a Positve Note

At least I'm in the green in something!!!

Over the past few days, I've managed to pull into the positive in fixed limit games by playing a few more sessions of 5c/10c Badugi. I knew I'd eventually make it over the hump; the games are SO freakin' soft, it's unbelievable. I'm playing beneath my roll at the moment at Badugi - there was a game going during my dinner break at the proper 25c/50c level, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that emotionally yet. I may watch the table play for a little to get a feel on the skill level at that buyin. If it's not much different, I'm going to jump in first chance I get.

Also, I chucked in a positive session playing 2nl - getting it in AA vs. AK was all I needed. So at least I'm making money somewhere. Still in the hole deep in SNGs, but I know that will turn around when I get some time to start playing them again.

It sounds like I'm obsessing over every session, but I'm mainly just joking around. I know that I do have some semblance of poker skill, and eventually that skill will show through and I will start winning overall. But, just like any other person, I enjoy winning more than losing. And it's nice to know that, even with the rough luck I've been having, I can still win from time to time.

I have off the next couple of days, and I'm looking to get some more tournament games in during that time. I sure hope that this rough patch will pass soon.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Of Course...

It would make sense that as soon as I begin keeping strict records of my poker playing, that would be the time to hit a tough losing streak. Since the start of the year, I've lost just under 10% of my BR by going through some pretty tough beats (it's not really THAT bad... I have some funds tied up in a BAP that I am not considering part of my BR right now). Either it's bubbling out in 4th losing a 60/40 after two other players stayed alive on 20% fav hands or less, or I'm getting sucked out on time after time. I can't seem to hit any flops, all of my cards look like shit, and I seem to be beat at every turn. It's frustrating.

As I've said before here, I hate to lose. And now it's worse with my results staring me in the face. But I know I'm playing as best as I can in the situations I'm encountering. I mean, When I'm getting it in AK vs A9 and a 9 hits the turn, I can't do anything about that. When I get it in JJ vs a loose big-stacked player and he turns over AT, and the ace hits the river, not my fault. When I get all in pre AA vs. 66. vs. 44 and a 6 is on the flop, what am I supposed to do?

As early as it is in the year, I think I'm going to take a tiny break. At least until tomorrow night, when I may play some Badugi during dinner. Those soft games always cheer me up.