Thursday, February 11, 2010

Turbo Booster

I'm really starting to like these Super Turbo SnG's. They fit my schedule - I can play at least one in the time I have between my two jobs on double shift days - and I'm pretty decent at them, as well. All you need is a strong pre-flop game and an understanding of how to play shortstacked. I have both of these. I've been playing well in them so far, and I have a 50% ITM stat to prove it. I know, it's still a small sample, but I feel really good playing these.

It just drives me nuts when I play well and variance bites me in the ass. The hands that have recently knocked me out (or put me on the way there) include QQ < KTs (his flush hit on the river), A9 < QJ (queen on the river), and this gem below:

BB: t575 M = 4.79
Hero (UTG): t405 M = 3.38
CO: t790 M = 6.58
BTN: t625 M = 5.21
SB: t305 M = 2.54

Pre Flop: (t120) Hero is UTG with Kh Kc
Hero raises to t405 all in, 2 folds, SB calls t265 all in, 1 fold

Flop: (t690) 5d Ah 2d

Turn: (t690) 6h

River: (t690) Jd

[b]Final Pot:[/b] t690
Hero shows Kh Kc (a pair of Kings)
SB shows 4d 7d (a flush, Jack high)
SB wins t690

River screws me again. I mean, I know I want these calls because they make me money in the long run, but come on.

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