Sunday, February 13, 2011

Digging Too Deep?

A very interesting thread has developed on the Full Tilt Poker forums here. I love ICM topics because it involves interesting math concepts (which plays right into my nerd wheelhouse), and the correct answer isn't always as intuitive as it seems. Some of the responders are supporting a call while others have supported a shove. After running the math, I'm solidly in the fold camp.

This is not the point of my post, though. Something in the thread really irked me. After I posted my ICM data and analysis, alew22 posted the following:
"think this is being looked into too deeply. I don't think there's many spots, if any, where i'm going to fold AKs in a 45man.....especially right at the bubble.
Snap call and feel really to win, right?"

Is there such a thing as looking too deep if you haven't found the answer yet? Perhaps theories of the Earth being round were too deep... after all, the ground looks flat right?

I can't understand the thought process of someone who wants to stop thinking about a problem just because they've found the answer they like, as opposed to pressing on and finding the correct answer.

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